Saturday, December 16, 2023

Castello di Amorosa

Our friends had never been to Castello di Amorosa before so we stopped in there during our trip.  The first time pulling up to the winery, it is quite an unexpected site!  They stood there for a minute just taking it in.

Who expects to see a castle in the middle of Napa Valley?

You can see photos from our last tour of this winery here.

It even has a moat!
And a small farm just outside the castle walls.
According to the tour guide,  the castle was partially built from relics imported from Europe.  I would imagine the paintings are all of modern origin here in the states.
An ornate hall.
Another fresco or painting.
Yes you can sit in the chairs!
The tour winds up here for the wine tasting.  It is quite fun tasting with those who had just been on the tour.  When you sign up for the tour, make sure you pay for the chocolate as a part of the tour - pairing that with the wine is fabulous!
A few from the castle.
Another view from the castle.  About three quarters of the hills in the background are charred from the 2020 Glass Fire.
Educating us on the various Napa Valley grape growing regions!
Barrels deep underground storage.
They had displays of medeival artifacts.  Some of the helmets are said to be real, some reproductions.
This torture chamber is a reproduction.
And yes you can sit on this chair too!  Our friend John did just that and came away unscathed.
Temporary case storage.
I think this room used to be where the tours did the end-of-tour wine tasting.  It is now a room for wine club members only.  A little disappointing.

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