Saturday, December 16, 2023

Buena Vista Winery

We started our tour of Sonoma Valley at Buena Vista Winery, just outside the city of Sonoma.  We made it our first stop of the day before noon on a Wednesday.  As we waited in the near empty parking lot for our tasting time, a tour bus showed up so we hustled inside before they had a chance to beat us in!

The tasting room is very tasteful.

I must say I enjoyed their red wines very much.
My wife browsing their wares.
Beautiful chandelier.
The have one wine called The Sheriff.  See if you can figure out which bottle!
The tasting menu.
Something new to me - a boldness scale for various wines.

My lovely bride.
Yours truly.

We enjoyed our trip to Buena Vista very much.  Highly recommended!

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