Saturday, November 26, 2022

Yosemite: Southside Drive


Driving along Southside Drive in Yosemite Valley was incredibly beautiful.

Here is a view of Sentinel Rock.

There are many pull-outs along Southside Drive to stop and take photos.  They probably get very busy in the summer, but in the fall the park is not crowded.  We went early in the morning and there were very few people around.
A view from El Capitan to North Dome.
Very peaceful early in the morning.
My wife just east of Cathedral Beach.  Note the lack of cars in this lot.
Returning to the car.  This is probably about 8 AM.
A good view of Southside Drive. 

There were sections where the leaves were turning various colors - unfortunately there was no place to stop and take photos in those spots.

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