Sunday, August 28, 2022

Today Is Our 40th Anniversary

Forty years ago today I talked the most wonderful woman into marrying me.  We just told a few of our closest family and friends, ran up to Carson City, Nevada and got married one fine Saturday afternoon.

Here is the chapel where we were married - 112 North Curry Street in Carson City, Nevada.  It is about a half block from the Nevada State Capital building.  This photo was taken about a month before our marriage.  This building was originally a home and has been at this location since at least 1860 - before Nevada was even a state!

My wife and I with our first kiss as a married couple.
We were flat broke at this point in time with just enough money for rent, food, and a little gas for the car.  Everything for this wedding and reception was donated to us by my parents, my wife's mother, and wedding guests.

Therefore, we didn't have an official photographer and relied on our guests to capture the moment.  Thank you!

The wedding party with our friends Dolly and Brian.

My wife is looking out the window watching for my parents, I suspect.  They had taken the scenic route to Carson City that morning, going to South Lake Tahoe on the way.  Unfortunately, August is the height of the busy season there and traffic was at a standstill, so they missed the wedding.  There was another wedding after ours so we couldn't delay and since this was pre-cell phone had no way to contact them to see what happened.   As it turns out, they arrived just as we exited the chapel.  As you can imagine, they were extremely upset with themselves over the whole situation.

One final photo at the chapel.
My wife's sister graciously offered us her home for the reception.  Here we are upon arrival.
That's my niece Renee looking on.
And one of the beautiful bride.
My wife and I with my parents.
All of the single males in attendance
My wife's grandparents - a very kind couple.
My closest of friends John.
The wedding cake, I would imagine purchased by my mother-in-law.
Cut the cake!
We've never understood the tradition of smashing food into your new spouse's face, so we did it very gently and respectful.
Say ah!
Perhaps we should have used silverware.
One more pose!
I had forgotten about this photo.  It came out very well. 

Since these photos are from various guest cameras, they are of various quality.  The photos with darker, richer colors are from someone's instant Polaroid.   While the colors are richer, I've noticed that those photos are also starting to break down after 40 years.

My wife's sister Debbie.
My new brother-in-law Neal.
My nephew Mark.
My mother, wife and I at my car.  Not sure what we were doing.  Probably inspecting the "Just Married" decorations that had been added.
My sister Karen, her new son Raymond, and boyfriend Tim.

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