Sunday, August 1, 2021

Stillwater: the town and the movie

 One of my two "home town"s (Marysville/Yuba City in California being the other) is about to become famous worldwide: Stillwater, Oklahoma. A movie titled "Stillwater" debuted at Cannes in July and received a five minute standing ovation. Matt Damon, who stars in the movie, attended the debut and was moved to tears by the ovation. The trailer for the movie is linked below.

The first time I heard of the town I was fifteen. As with most military families, we moved every four years when my father was given new orders. We would know months in advance that we were moving, but the Air Force wouldn't decide where until a month or two prior to the move. They gave my dad his orders: Stillwater, Oklahoma. We quickly did research on that town, getting ahold of a map from somewhere (not easy in pre-internet days). When we arrived, it was like no other town I'd ever lived in. I was in culture shock for a good year. But I grew to love the town and its residents. Good, solid, loving people. You deserve this film, Stillwater!
By the way, it is a fictional story that looks to me to be loosely based on the real Amanda Knox story.

Oh, and all of those architectural studies shown a few posts back? Those were done at OSU in Stillwater!

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