Monday, February 15, 2021

Improving Our Driveway

Since we first bought the house in 2007,  the left bay of the garage has been hard to reach with a car.  It is not too bad to get a car in, but getting it out was a real pain - this is because when backing up, the wheels leading the car don't turn.  As visible in this photo, the curb didn't dip down until the next garage bay over.

So we decided to change that.  This photo shows the USA (Underground Service Alert) markings where the electric, gas, water, cable, and other underground utilities will mark where they have a hazard.  Fortunately for us, no hazards existed in this area.

We received HOA and city approval for the change.  City approval was needed because we would be replacing sidewalk, curb, and gutter.   We presented our plan to the city.  They asked us to develop a traffic plan and gave us a few examples.  In the end, we had to rent "Sidewalk Closed" and "Road Work Ahead" signs.   Did you know that there are companies that will rent each sign for $1.50 per day?  I didn't either!  I do now!
Day One involved ripping out the old concrete, bringing in road base, and compacting it to city specifications.  The city inspector then came out and gave approval.
We made sure the area was very clearly marked that night as we certainly didn't want anyone getting injured.  This looks pretty visible to me!
This is the view when approaching from the other side.  Very visible at night.
The next day, the concrete was delivered and shaped.
I think it came out very very nicely.  Now we can back out of that garage bay with no problem!
Getting concrete to stand up like this is not easy.

If you need concrete work in north San Diego county, I highly recommend Mendenhall Concrete.  They were professional, responsive, and very precise in everything they did.  

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