Saturday, December 14, 2019

LA Auto Show - Mach E

 There has been a LOT of buzz about this new vehicle the last few months!  A lot of excitement!  A lot of desire!  And a lot of controversy about calling this a Mustang.

I can see both sides of the issue.

This car won't be available for a few months.  If it were available now, my wife says she'd have it on her possible purchase list this year.

Photo: me
 Another angle.  Love the wheels!

Photo: me
 Photo: me
 They did a pretty elaborate presentation on the Mach E.  The background changed rapidly.  I tried to capture a few on them.

Next few photos: me
 City Scape.
 Green driving city scape.
 The mustang lineup.
 Over the city.
 The end!
 Not as many people as around the new Corvette, but there was still quite a bit of excitement.
 They had bleachers for the presentation...this is what it looked like if you sat in the bleachers.

Photo: Troy
 In white.

Photo: me
I like it better in blue.

Photo: me

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