Thursday, March 28, 2019

Back Yard Remodel: Pavers Are Down

 Now that the rain has cleared out,  we've been making some great progress on the back yard!
 A few more plants arrived...
 We decided on what lighting to install...
 And it snowed!  Well, actually that's a weed barrier they are installing.
 They'll lay shredded bark over that.
 But in the meantime it looks like the holidays!
 They are starting to polish the BBQ countertop
 It should match fairly well with the concrete.
 The appliances should go in within 7 days.
 The side yard is also coming along. irrigation valves...
 And the big news this week:  Belgard Mirage Noon ceramic pavers - Ember in color!
 I think they look good against the TopCast 03 Acid Wash cement.
 Here is a close-up of the Mirage tiles.  They look a lot darker in photos than they look in person.  If you are considering these tiles, DEFINITELY get a sample of all colors available in your area and take them to your site!
These photos also show more brown tones than are visible in person.  Photos are funny in how they can look so different than reality.

But it still looks great...very happy with the progress so far!

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