Sunday, November 4, 2018

Nashville - Parthenon

 You may not know this, but right in the middle of Nashville is a full size replica of the Parthenon!

That's right, ladies and gents, no need to go to Greece, you can see it right here in Nashville!  On top of that, it is in original condition, not in ruins like what you'd see in Athens.
 It is pretty impressive.
 Here is the statue of Athena, located inside, which is just as stunning.

In the Greek Parthenon, the statue is long gone for centuries.  Therefore, the exact look of the statue is an educated guess.
 Turning around, here are two large doors that are just as impressive.
A few words to the wise:  the doors that you see from the main street aren't the entrance.  Don't bother walking up the awkward steps.  Go around to the back side - that is where the entrance is!

I'm very glad we took the time to see it, it has been one of my goals in life to see the Parthenon in person.  I think I liked seeing the reconstruction better that I would like seeing the original, in some ways.

One thing I wasn't expecting:  it doesn't feel near as big walking around the exterior as I was expecting.  I guess the way they incorporate gentle slopes to the pillars, etc, leave the eye with a misconception of its size.

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