Thursday, July 19, 2018

Del Mar Races - Opening Day 2018

 We finally made it to an Opening Day at the Del Mar Races.   We arrived as soon as the gates opened.  Here is my wife just past the turnstiles at 11:30 in the morning.
 The main hall was still empty!
 It was a beautiful day - just the perfect temperature, not too bright, not too dark.  Just excellent.
 Looking towards the finish line from our seats.
 The first race.  And they're off!
 I don't gamble, and my wife only spent like $20 the whole day.  Not sure which horse our money was on - I didn't really care.  I was just enjoying the atmosphere.
 In front of the club house before we entered.
 Another race!
 Warming up.

 A race on the dirt track.
 Opening day is hat day at Del Mar.

 A view of the ocean from our seats.

It was a lovely relaxing afternoon as we sat there sipping our Mint Juleps.  My new favorite drink.  :-)


  1. Hi! Love these pictures!
    I commented on another blog entry of yours about Marcellous Flernoy Awbrey.
    Marcellus(lots of different spellings of all three of his names)is also my great great grandfather.
    My great grandfather is his son, Marcus West Awbrey. George Robert Awbrey is his son and my father is Jack Wesley Aubrey(Changed to Aubrey by the Air Force. I am Jack's daughter and my name is Rikki Aubrey.
    I accidentally found your page, I think because you posted this part of your blog on my birthday. I don't get how that happens either but I've been looking for info on Marcellus, Marcus(Mort) and his wife, Sallie and their son, George Robert(my Grandpa Bob) for a year or so now. I
    I'm working out of Wikitree with Cole Aubrey and Jeffery Lewis on Marcellus's profile.
    I have a ton of pictures from the Greenhouses, the Messics, the Barkers and a whole bunch of other people I would love to know about.
    I might be able to help you as well.
    Hope to hear from you.
    Rikki Aubrey

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hi Rikki,

    I have emailed you at the email address you gave me and deleted your email address from here so that you don't get spammed by website scrapers.

    Look forward to hearing from you!
