Sunday, September 4, 2016

San Francisco

We went to San Francisco last week to visit our son Ron and his wife Mary.  Excellent time!  Here we are enjoying a pre-dinner drink in the Sir Francis Drake Hotel lobby.
 Ron and Mary.
 My beautiful wife.
 We also took the ferry over to Sausalito one day.
 Ron telling a story of some sort.
 On shore in Sausalito!

 Sausalito has a very fun little shopping district where we wandered for a few hours.

 Looking out towards Angel Island.
 Exhausted, we decided to reboard the ferry to return to San Francisco.
 A few shots while we waited on the edge of the bay.

 Angel Island.
 What did I buy?  This ear.  The clerk said it is a copy of the model used for the statue "David".   I have not verified that yet.
 And this eye.  It was an afterthought, but I think I like it better than the ear now!
 We also spent some time in Burlingame where Ron and Mary live.  Here is a nearby park.
 And we were able to meet the newest member of the family - Brooks!  The son of proud parents Drew and Sarah.

 We stayed at the Hotel Zeppelin - it has only been open a few months and we really liked it!  Great hotel, highly recommended.
 This is our room.  It had nice surprises around every corner...very enjoyable.

 We figured out this wallpaper listed bands that originated in the bay area.  One band is noticably missing:  Journey.

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