Saturday, April 23, 2016

Napa 2016 - Downtown Napa

 Here is a lesson for visiting Napa:  make dinner reservations like a week in advance!  Especially if you have six people in your group!  I could only find one place that had an opening before 9 PM, and that was at 8 PM!

So we had some time to kill - we went to downtown Napa and had a drink at the Bounty Hunter.

Walking through downtown Napa, it seemed like everything had scaffolding on it and was under construction.  Then it dawned on us:  they were repairing earthquake damage.  Those of us outside Napa don't realize how extensive the damage was, apparently.
 John and Mary.

 Our reservations were for 8 PM at Boonfly.  Here are Mary, John, and Ron awaiting dinner.

Ron will probably kill me, but I couldn't resist posting all three photos.  The looks on his face are priceless!  I wish we could remember what they were talking about.

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