Monday, June 22, 2015

Del Mar Fair 2015

 We went to the Del Mar Fair on Father's Day this year - it worked out great!  Perfect temperature and it wasn't very crowded.  We'll have to remember that for next year.  Here is Teo and Troy watching the goats enjoy lunch.
 Safety in numbers.
 Time for a convoy!  Close that door!
 All clear!

 Troy and Teo, all smiles.

 Teo loved the horn button!

 Standing guard.  A few lessons learned for next year:  ignore the early exit signs and just get off at Via de la Valle.  Stay in left lane up to the fair grounds, it turns into the parking lot quicker.  And pay the higher parking fee ($20 instead of $10) to have paved, close-in parking.  Saves a lot of time and walking.  Well worth ten bucks.
 We spent about two hours at the kiddie rides, then it was time for lunch.
 Teo was very interested in my camera when we sat down for lunch, so I let him take this...his first photo with my camera!  He did pretty darn good!  The boys played the dart-vs-balloon arcade and won these.  Troy picked the blue bear - Teo picked the green frog.
After several hours of kiddie rides, farm animals, booths, hot tubs, paintings, woodworking and just general walking around it was time to go.  Mateo went limp before we made it to the car, so David carried him back.  What a father...

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