Sunday, November 2, 2014

San Diego Bay - Sunset

 We decided to take a small stay-cation and spend the night on San Diego bay this weekend.  It was one of those nights when all the cherries lined up as the weather was perfect, they gave us a room on the top floor, we arrived just as the sun was setting, and I had remembered to bring my camera.
 It had rained earlier in the day so the clouds drifting by were very expressive and the air was crystal clear.
 As the sun began to set,  it basked the hills with golden light, which makes for extremely nice photography.
 The golden light skimmed the tops of the clouds.
 I hadn't planned this out at all - we just happened to arrive at sunset and the sky was just spectacular....

 My beautiful wife.
 A few shots of the boats on the bay.

 The USS Nimitz at 1092 feet long with a ship's company of 3200 and an airwing of 2480.

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