Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Ron and Mary's Visit

 Ron and Mary came down for the weekend.  Here is the crew in full Ninja mode!

Dave, Teo, Mary, Troy, and Ron.
 Ron decided to accept an employment offer so we celebrated with a trip to the Temecula wineries.  Mary, Ron, Dave, and my wife at Weins.
 My wife, Ron, Mary, and Dave at Monte de Oro.

 View from Monte de Oro.
 View from Monte de Oro.

 Some time riding bikes with Troy.
 Mary and Troy
 Mary, Troy, Ron, and Teo.

 Race ya!

An evening at Chuck E. Cheese.
 Watch Teo doing some first class driving..

Those boys wore Cooper out.  He missed his nap every day and crashed early.

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