Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Yuna, Matuto, and Matt Anderson at 2014 California WorldFest

 Depending on what is going on, sometimes I don't capture many photos of the bands themselves.  For some reason, I only took one photo of Yuna and this is it.   Yuna plays Malaysian music that blends R&B, folk, electronica, and native Malay sounds.
 A WorldFest employee.
 Smoke from the food booths wafting through the trees.
 A few of the people who were enjoying Yuna.

 This little fellow saw my camera and started posing!  By the time I realized what he was doing his mother was hauling him away...but I did catch one great shot of the super little guy!

 Food booth row.

 It didn't come out very clearly, but these two have balls on strings that twirled very poetically.

 My beautiful wife.
 Matuto plays Appalachian  / Afro / Brazilian music that sounded very good to my ears.
 We have a video of them playing up above.
 Huling to Matuto.

 We have heard Matt Anderson before at WorldFest, and looove his music.  His voice matches his version of blues is amazing.
Gratuitous shot of a man in a kilt.

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