Saturday, September 29, 2012

San Francisco

We made our annual trip to San Francisco last weekend.  Typically we go in August but we went in September this year.  The biggest difference we noticed is that there were fewer European tourists in Union Square - we missed them!  Will probably do August again next year. 
The view from our hotel room. 
We did the Museum of Modern Art.  This was a very nice display of lit bulbs.  From ground level they appeared to blink on and off at random, but when viewed from the second floor, the perspective yielded that they went off to form silhouettes of people running and jumping through the field of view.  Pretty cool. 
 Right next to the St. Regis were parked a row of Chevy SUVs with Michigan plates.  These appear to be new on the market as I don't recognize what they are.
We did do dinner at Scala's one evening - it is one of our favorite places to eat in San Francisco.  This painting is over the checkin desk, and we love it each time we see it.  It looks better in person - my cell phone struggled in the low light. 
 My lovely wife preparing for dinner one evening.
We also enjoyed a drink at the Sir Francis Drake hotel one night.  I took a pic of the front desk because I like the red velvet background, but I should have taken a photo of the entire lobby as it is spectacular - the entire reason we have a drink there each trip. 
 A typical San Francisco street.
My wife being a good sport for a photo op. 
 Hyde Street, look straight out at Alcatraz which was about to be enveloped with fog.

Looking towards the bay. 

  Standing at the top of the Crookedest Street in the World, we could see Coit Tower, the Bay Bridge, and a boatload of tourists.
 And we always do a lot of shoe shopping in San Francisco - it is fantastic!  We usually buy a pair or two, but found so many that were off the charts this trip that we had a bunch shipped home.
Here is my wife shopping at Macy's - a store we always visit along with Nordstroms and DSW. 
 We went down to the Fisherman's Wharf area.
 Looking straight at the Wharf area.

 Boudin's bakery.

Heading over towards Pier 39 we saw this beauty. 

 We had lunch at Hard Rock Cafe - very enjoyable.  And it seems only natural that, in San Francisco, the main theme would be the Grateful Dead (see ceiling and wall behind is in photos below).

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