Monday, August 8, 2011

Beatles in Liverpool: Childhood Homes

 A part of the Fab Four Taxi Tour is going to the childhood homes of the Beatles members.  This is 9 Newcastle Road. John Lennon lived here with his mother Julia until he was five, when he moved to Mendips. The current owner of this house is not keen on tourists so we just stopped briefly and took a photo out the window. Note the owner has even removed the house number - as if people can't figure it out from the number next door.
 From there, we went to Mendips, discussed in another post. Tours had finished for the day (not that we could have gotten in since the FFTT is not part of the NTT) and the NTT tour guide was no doubt inside busy making dinner (the guide lives there). But we did get a photo in front of the house. John's bedroom window is obscured by the tree leaves.
 Looking west down Menlove Avenue from Mendips. It looks like the fellow next door is tired of tourists parking in front of his house, thus the metal railing.
 This photo was taken while driving on Menlove Avenue...Mendips is a little further up on the left.
 This of course includes the house Paul McCartney grew up in, 20 Forthlin Road, which we've covered in another post. But we did get our pic there without a crowd about.

The only way to get inside is on the National Trust Tour, but we did get the opportunity to shoot the house with no one around.

 And a photo of Paul's room. That window is right above the front door. The linoleum on the floor is original to Paul's time in the house.
 Looking up Forthlin towards the dead end. Supposedly Paul parked down towards the end late one night in the last few years. When approached, he said he was just reminiscing and wondered if he could see inside. Don't recall whether he was able to.
 Note how those in love with Paul have chipped off the brick around the front door. What nuts.


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