Saturday, July 16, 2011

London: Soho

 This is the area of London known as Soho. It took us a couple of days before we discovered it, but once we did we came back every day. Or more appropriately, every evening.

 A great pub on the edge of Soho.

 Here is a typical street in the Soho area.

 From where we had dinner one evening, we could see this great music venue called Ronnie Scott's. Unfortunately, by the time we finished eating they put up a "sold out" sign. Arrgh.

This is a photo of the restaurant Little Italy. This is where we had our best meal in London. The Italian food was just superb. It was even better - by a large margin - than any of the meals we had in Rome!

 As an example, here is their Insalda Caprese. And I can tell you, it tasted even better than it looks!

 We also discovered there was a 20th Century Fox building in Soho, which surprised us.

 There is a square in Soho that sort of breaks up the row upon row of buildings.

 My wife at the Cafe Boheme. They had a little jazz band there that we enjoyed a few evenings.

 I have meant to get a photo of the nail style she designed, but kept forgetting until we were at the Cafe Boheme. I think the design and color are gorgeous!

 An excellent bottle of wine we had one evening at Cafe Boheme. I took a photo of the label so we would remember what it was.

You can see about anything in Soho!

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