Tuesday, July 19, 2011

London: Nightlife

 Nikki in the W Hotel lobby ready to make our way to the W Lounge.
 Entering the lounge requires walking through an unusual hallway.
 The lounge itself, early in the evening.

 This is what the entrance to our hotel looked like at night. It was always a pleasure to walk in the brisk night air, sometimes well past midnight, and see the welcoming W beckoning us.

 Now let me tell you, this is a town that knows how to have fun! We found it very lively and friendly every night of the week.

The vibe is very fun, very upscale, and very safe. Just our speed!

 We also spent a little time in Soho at night. I felt this was picture worthy. Still do.
 As with most European cities we've been to, bicycles are available for renting at any time of day or night.
A cleverly modified "Do Not Enter" sign.

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