Saturday, July 16, 2011

Beatles in London: 34 Montagu Square

 This is the front door of 34 Montagu Square. In about 1965, Ringo Starr rented this ground floor and basement flat.

In 1968, John Lennon and Yoko Ono rented this flat from Ringo. Here, they took the photo that became the cover of their Two Virgins album. While they were here, the police raided the place looking for drugs and they were arrested. What I didn't know until walking here is that it is about 2 blocks from the police station at the corner of Seymour and Portman. Not a smart place to do drugs, especially if you're rich and famous. This plaque was added by Yoko in 2010.

 This is what the flat looks like from across the street. Paul McCartney, who rented this flat in 1966, recorded demo songs here, including "I'm Looking Through You" in March 1966, and also worked on writing "Eleanor Rigby". Paul vacated shortly thereafter, and Ringo sublet it to Jimmy Hendris in December 1966 for $63 a month. While on LSD, Hendrix threw whitewash on the walls and Ringo evicted him.
The Swiss Embassy was (and still is) located at the back of this building. John and Lennon lived at this location while the White Album was being recorded. It is 1.3 miles from Abbey Road Studios.

 This is the view down Montagu Square street. Notice the park across the street.

 Looking the other direction.

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