Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rome: Via Cavour

 The closest main thoroughfare to our hotel was Via Cavour. This photo was taken at the intersection of Via Cavour and Via dei Fori Imperiali, looking back at our hotel, just past the Tower of Conti.

 Turning the camera a little to the right, this photo looks right down Via Cavour. Note the little curbside gas station - there are many gas stations like this in Europe. Also note the outdoor restaurant just to the right of the gas station.

 A view from Via Cavour looking down an adjacent street.

 Remember the police at every major intersection at rush hour? Here is one of them.

 Here we are at the restaurant shown three photos back. We had a pizza here and enjoyed it.

 We also brushed up on our Italian, though we ended up not even using it in Rome.

 Another day, we had lunch at another restaurant on Via Cavour. I took this photo of the building across the street...

 ...and this one looking down the sidewalk.

 Nuns were everywhere in Rome, as this photo on Via Cavour shows. See the video at the end of this post taken right after this photo.

 Turning the camera about 120 degrees right, I captured this on Via Cavour.

 Looking straight up Via Cavour towards Via dei Fori Imperiali.

Parrocchia Santa Maria Maggiore on Via Cavour.

 There is also a convenient Metro stop on Via Cavour.

 These are the steps on Via Cavour leading to San Pietro in Vincoli, where Michelangelo's Moses is located.

 A shot down Via Cavour at night.

Looking down a sidestreet at night - note the Colosseum at the end of the street.

A movie shot along Via Cavour:

A clip from our dinner along Via Cavour:

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