Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Rome: At Night

 We spent a few nights walking around Rome - it is a very nice time to be out as the weather cools off. This is Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II.

 The Colosseum is particularly beautiful at night.

 Via dei Fori Imperiali at night.

 Most of these cars in the background are illegally parked so the owners can jump out and take a few Colosseum pics.

 The Roman Forum at night.

They project images of Roman statues on the Roman Forum after dark.

We spent one evening having dinner at the Piazza Campo de Fiori, shown here.
 Seriously, I did not notice that wine glass looking so spotted while we were there! It sure jumps out at me in this photo though!

  As dusk falls, the nightlife begins. I had done a lot of research online for good bars to visit in Rome. One in particular sounded big and busy with a DJ, called the Drunken Ship. It was supposed to be on the edge of this Piazza.

The numbering system being somewhat sketchy, we took a few wrong turns and ended up down some sidestreets with other bars and a lot of motorcycles.

Looping back to the Piazza, we found the Drunken Ship. Here it is. It looked nothing like a large bar with a DJ to me. It was the end of our vacation, we were worn out, so we took a pass and went back to the hotel. Now that I'm well rested and back home, I kinda wish we would have given it a chance and had a few drinks there.

Piazza Campo de Fiori:

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, with what appeared to be police vans being escorted. It actually looked like they said "penitentiary" on the side, but I could have been mistaken:

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