Friday, December 3, 2010

LA Auto Show: Rolls-Royce and it's European Friends

 Lotus cars have always intrigued me, though never enough to buy one. And this one, with these wheels and in this color, is probably the best looking Lotus ever. I bet it is a blast to drive.
 Aston Martins are something else I lust after, though the models on display were not their best examples. Silver with red interior just doesn't cut it for me, sorry.
A nice Bently Continental GT convertible. Black with red, much better. But still not optimal.
 And then there was Rolls-Royce. I have always had a huge fondness of Rolls, and it has been painful watching them approach a near-death posture the last couple of decades. But then they were bought by BMW and has been blossoming very, very nicely. Thank you, BMW! You have been spot-on in all you've done for Rolls.
 With the exception of the grille. More on that later. The Rolls-Royce Ghost is very nice, and a great size too.
 I especially like this shot, with the model holding her hand to her chin in an upscale way, and the svelte arm of the bystander on the right. They really frame the Ghost very well. I would think there would be a better color for this car, but what do I know.
 And this Phantom demonstrates the beef I have with the grilled. The top (just above the slats) has more of a brushed look, not the high polish that Rolls grilles traditionally have. BMW has integrated the entire grille into the body more (I'm for that), changed the slats/fins to be more modern (I'm for that), but I think they should keep the high polish top piece since that really says "quality" and "workmanship" to me and countless others. Just a suggestion, Rolls/BMW.
 Love the details here, just right for Rolls. The door handle at the front is an awesome detail, especially it's long narrow shape. The small side windows ahead of the door, again just a superb unusual detail. And the wood trim around the convertible boot - spectacular. These all evoke memories of the hallowed wooden Chris-Craft boats of yore.
 The beautiful rumps on these cars. We weren't allowed to sit in them, but I understand. It is doubtful any commoner will make their way up the food chain enough to buy one anyway. But you CAN buy a 1970s Rolls convertible now for about $20K. That is very tempting...
One more shot of the Rolls-Royce Chris-Craft (heh) Phantom Convertible.

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