Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Drive By Shooting: LA County

 After we left the LA Auto Show to drive home, I started thinking about the 2 hours I had in the car and the camera in the seat beside me. Yes, it was time to do another Drive By Shooting set.

I don't ride in cars too often - I'm usually the driver. So I don't get many opportunities to do Drive By Shootings. Conditions weren't the best - the sun was rather low in the sky and, in order to catch the drivers in action, I had to shoot directly into the sun most of the time. On top of that, it had rained the day before so the windows on the car were fairly dirty. Not the best conditions, but I take what I can get. And I ended up with at least a few very good shots.
Here is a little Smart car. It looks right at home in Paris and the other cities where we saw it in Europe. But in America, well it looks like a toy. Folks, if you don't live in New York City or San Francisco, you don't need a Smart car. But it is styled very nice for a car it's size. I'd give it an A.
I should also state that I really didn't catch drivers doing anything strange like I did on the trip to Vegas. No, people were driving pretty much exactly as they should. The whole trip there and back, I only caught 3 drivers on cell phones. And I didn't see anything else abnormal at all. Good job, LA drivers! So I decided that I would just use this opportunity to enjoy the cars themselves. I'll rate their styling with each shot. Not necessarily that model, but that specific car including the color and wheels. Here goes. VW New Beetle: A-
 Mid-90s Toyota Corolla. Not a bad body style. I'd give it a B.
 Lincoln Navigator. Not my cup of tea (big SUVs aren't), but if you gotta design one, not a bad job. JB auto styling vote: B+
 Volvo S60 in a tunnel. Looks decent in black, but there are definitely better colors on them. JB auto styling vote: B+
 A little Acura RSX. Usually, I think of young males and females driving these, but apparently others drive'em too. I've always liked this style, though white leaves something to be desired. I'll dock it a bit for color. JB auto styling vote: A-
 A Charger! I really love'em. Even in red. But the R/T looks a little gaudy to me with the stripes and wing. I think I'll dock it for that...JB auto styling vote: B+
 Nissan Cube. Gotta hand it to Nissan, they have been very brave and come out with some very original designs. Too bad this looks like a car from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit". Good design, just really, really silly.
JB auto styling vote: A-
 A Camry. Not that great a photo, but I thought the water tower made it worth posting.
 We passed a 1964 Sedan DeVille. Always fun. When I was in my early teens, my Dad and I went with his friend to Sacramento. His friend bought a 10 year old green 1964 Sedan DeVille and we drove it home. What a blast.
 This one is in pretty darn good shape. Some orange peel in the paint, non-original side brown side molding, and it's missing the fender skirts. But otherwise, in very good shape. I bet you could get 10 people in that trunk.
JB auto styling vote: A-
 ust your average driver, driving - what is that - a Hyundai Accent? I dunno. Just thought everyone would enjoy seeing a grove of trees in the middle of LA.
Honda Accord. Nice car. Pretty boring though.
JB auto styling vote: B

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