Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Troy's First Birthday: The Party

 It is hard to believe, but Troy turned one year old on October 23rd. Seems like only yesterday we all spent the night in the hospital while he gasped his first breath of oxygen.
 But the very next day, his mother Lucy put together a first-rate birthday party for him. Troy, Lucy and David (son, mother, father) posed for me towards the start of the party.
 Here is a more typical shot of the motion that filled the afternoon. It almost looks like Troy is saying "these are MY presents", but in reality he had no clue about that.

 Here is a fun little photo set. Troy developed a curiosity about a stone driveway on the property. That's David's car parked on it.
 So, with a little help from his friends (my wife and Sarah-e) he decides to follow the yellow(ish) brick road.
 Just after this photo is taken, they discover some broken glass on that road. Is that a fitting metaphor, or what?

 So grandma decides it is time to halt, reverse course and focus on something else.
 Here ya go young Troy. Focus on something else.
 Troy is not used to grandma saying "NO". It's my party and I'll cry if I want to.
 It really looks like they've decided to moon me, the cameraman. But in reality, they are looking for that broken glass.
I've posted Troy's monthly progress since birth, and we have been able to see him grow month-by-month. Now that we've passed the one year mark I'll continue to have Troy posts, but they will probably be at random times.

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