Saturday, October 9, 2010

Getty Villa: a glimpse upstairs

 Now let's go upstairs for a look at a few of the objects up there. This is a Korous style Greek statue from around 700-480 BC.
 A lion from a family grave, made near Athens around 325 BC.
 A Greek gold wreath from 300-100 BC, in amazing condition.
 Amber and gold necklace from 500-400 BC.
 Terracotta shards from about 500 BC.
 A Roman coin belt with gold, enamel, sapphire, emerald, garnet and glass from about 400 AD.
A now always one of my favorite areas, the marble statues. This Roman statue is labeled "Wounded Youth" from 100 AD.
 A look down one wall of some of the busts.
 This Greek statue is called "Head of a Bearded Man" from 150 BC. That's quite a headache he has going.

 This bronze Roman head of a man was made in Asia Minor (now Turkey) around 100 BC.

 This Greek marble slab is called the "Religous Calendar of Thorikos" and lists the sacrifices and offerings to be made each month by the citizens of Thorikos, a Greek town.
 Example: a black baby goat was to be sacrificed each February to Dionysos, the god of wine.
 There was a room devoted to women and children.
 This Roman marble statue is from 120 AD.
 Gravestone of a woman and her attendant, a marble Greek statue from about 100 BC.

Mummy of a young man named Herakliedes.

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