Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Troy's Baptism: The Ceremony

 Troy's baptism was held at St. Mark's Church on Discovery Street in San Marcos on June 20, 2010. With a group of other children, he was wetted down and held up to applause. Being non-Christian, I am rarely in a church so most of the events are a mystery to me. Plus, the entire ceremony was in Spanish so I only understood a fraction of what was said.
 After the ceremony, the parents, god-parents and the children baptized came onstage for a photo-op. That is Manuel and Irene (back row, top left) with Lucy, Troy and David smack in the center. It looks like an open door has attracted Troy's attention.
 The minister then came by for some sort of ritual touching of the head...
 ...and when Troy figured out he was being touched....
 ...he ducked!
 Here is appears to say "what was THAT?"...and I'm not sure what David is doing!

 Troy playing with his mother Lucy...
 ...followed by some sort of candle ritual...

 And to wrap it up, there was a group photo of the parents, child, and god-parents. Notice Troy staring at the minister!
And one final shot before the ceremony ended. The following videos were actually taken before the ceremony, but I left them for the end of the post in case you wanted to skip them:

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