Saturday, April 24, 2010

Drive By Shootings Part 4: Ten and Two'ers

I also find people who hold the steering wheel and 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock pretty interesting. Yes, I know, that is what they teach you in driver's training, but most people I know give that up after a year or so. And today with airbags and all, they tell you NOT to hold the wheel that way anyway! But some people are slaves to habit and here are a few of them. My observation has been that is practially all females who hold the wheel this way, and these random shots show that is is indeed mostly, but not exclusively, females.
 Grandmas do it...
 Middle-aged women do it....
...and Asian women do it....
 ...but so do Asian men!
 And grandpas. Let's not forget good old Granddad.
 Okay these next two are 10s only, the leave off the 2s. And this first one is a 10 in more ways that one...
Tunes, Honda Jalopy, and the open road. What a country!

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