Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lake Como: Bellagio Waterfront, Part II

 And finally, it is about lunchtime. Let's find a place to eat!
 We wander back downhill and have a seat at the restaurant on the water. It is pretty quiet.
 The restaurant was pretty basic - I don't remember what we ate but it was just a small step above fast food - that's all I remember.
 The weather started to turn a little chilly, so we took that as a sign it was time to start heading back.
 We went down to the boat docks and hung out, waiting for our boat.
 The views were made waiting easy.
 Across from the docks, the city was still bustling.
 And another set of steps up the hill.
 Let's take a look at some of the boats on the lake.

 Note the bus in the center.
This boat lifted above the water surface when at speed, and settled down on its hull when it slowed.

 Look at this incredible mountainside. And the house right in the center! How do they get to that house? Can you imagine getting building material there?

Finally, we board the boat again and head back to the city of Como so we can catch the train to Milano.
 At the Como train station, this is all there is in the men's bathroom. You figure out how to use it.
 This sink attacks! That's right, open the faucet just a fraction and water shoots out so fast it ricochets off the porcelean and drenches your trousers. I came out of the bathroom absolutely drenched. As a stream of obscenities left my mouth, I looked over and my wife was exiting the women's restroom at the same time. She had a similar drench mark, and similar obscenities.

 So we climbed aboard the train and waited for departure time. At least noone could see our pants there.

From out seat, we could see the sign verifying that we were indeed on the right train. Milano here we come!

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