Sunday, November 30, 2008

Amalfi Coast: Traveling from Sorrento to Positano

 We decided to take a SITA bus to see the Amalfi coast. In Sorrento, the bus station is co-located with the Circumvesuviana train station. We had a little bit of trouble communicating in order to purchase a bus ticket, and a bit of trouble understanding the bus schedule but eventually it worked out and we made our way to a long line, waiting for the next bus. I was standing in that line when I took this photo.
 There are many other buses coming and going, so it is best to ask around to ensure you are standing in the right line. Several times, we saw people who had been waiting 10 to 15 minutes finally figure out they were in the wrong line.
 But eventually we did get on the bus and Nikki found a seat next to a senior woman from the states. She and her female relatives regularly go to Amalfi. Nikki told her about our trouble finding pizza that was different than what we would eat in the US, and the woman gave us some very good advice: Buy from the street vendors - that's where the best pizza is in southern Italy!
 Now, a few photos of the scenery along the drive to our first stop on the Amalfi coast, Positano.

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