Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sorrento: Limoncello!

 One cannot mention this region of southern Italy, particularly the city of Sorrento, without mentioning Limoncello - an alcohol made primarily of lemons. It is normally served in a shot glass - this is a photo of our table in Sorrento one evening as we prepared to order dinner. Notice the waiter has already brought our limoncello.
 Each evening we would stop by a local corner grocer to purchase a bottle of Pinot Grigio before adjourning to our room. This is what we saw as we prepared to enter his store each night - baskets of lemons (the doorway to the store is at the top edge of the photo).
The peninsula where Sorrento is located is covered in lemon trees - they are everywhere! When riding the local railroad that connects the cities on the peninsula, one can practically reach out the window and grab a lemon from the trees.

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