Friday, October 31, 2008

Herculaneum: Under Construction

 Remember that orange pump truck up on the hill? where here is where it was pumping from. This is one of the few tour groups we saw while in Herculaneum, and it was pretty small. The gentleman pointing was doing an excellent job of making pumping debris out of a sewer sound very exciting (those people were much more excited than they look in the photo). I just remember the sound of rocks and gravel going up through that tube.
 A quick snapshot taken somewhere close to the prior shot. I don't remember exactly where. Obviously the roof on the right side of the photo is reconstructed, but I don't recall what it was protecting.
Here is a wall at the edge of the excavation - note the modern building on top...that is in the city of Ercolano. Whoever lives or works in that building looks down into the ancient city of Herculaneum on a daily basis.

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