Sunday, November 30, 2008

Amalfi Coast: Leaving Amalfi

 And that was our visit to Amalfi. A little bit of walking. A little bit of lunch. And a little bit of gelato.
 We walk through the last set of buildings before reaching SS163 again - our SITA bus will be on the bay side of SS163.
Amalfi is a great city to visit for an afternoon. Some people stay here a week but I really can't imagine what one would do with all that time. Maybe there are things we didn't discover, I don't know.
I can't remember if this street runs parallel to SS163, or if it is SS163 itself. Hmmm...guess we'll have to go back to Amalfi to find out. :-)
 Another shot of an Alfa Romeo.
 So would I do it again? Yes, I would have to say yes. One cannot go to that region of Italy without seeing the Amalfi coast. One thing we did cut out of our trip was a visit to Capri. We will probably see that on our next trip.
 And with very little wait, we were once again aboard a SITA bus. The bus was pretty comfortable and lightly loaded, but it did have it's share of graffiti, which I captured with this photo. Some detail oriented person even dated the graffiti which was very polite of them. It seems hard to believe that it had been there 15 years at that looked like it had been done yesterday.
 A view of Amalfi from the bus window.
 And as the SITA bus drove down SS163 back towards Sorrento, I took a few more shots of the city and the bay.

I have this uncanny knack for snapping the picture when a street sign was passing by. I have dozens more shots like this.
 Most of the ride we were able to get spectacular views of the sea such as this. The rich blues and whispy clouds are exactly as it seemed in person.

And finally, the last shot as we left Amalfi. These people must have been standing on the shoulder of the if there was a shoulder!

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