Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Paris' Best #6: Eiffel Tower

 I know, I know, most of you probably think of the Eiffel Tower right off the bat when you think of Paris, right? So you are probably wondering why I didn't rank it higher in the best things to see in Paris. Well, my own personal opinion is that it is rather boring.
 Once you've seen one or two country's capital phallic symbol (Washington Monument, Big Ben), you've seen them all. Sure you can go up in the Eiffel Tower and get a great view, but you can get a great view of Paris from Montmartre also. It does look fantastic and ominously large from the angle shown, though...I did like that.
 And my wife looked her usual gorgeous self standing on the pathway, I liked that too. We picked a rather cold day to see it as we kept taking our jackets/sweaters on and off every few minutes as the sun peeked out from behind a cloud and then went undercover again.
 Don't ask me what that expression is on my face - I have no clue. I think she caught me mid-speak, but I can't even begin to guess what sound requires one to make that face.  [2015 note: also looks like I had temporary sunglasses?  Had I broken my normal pair?  Can't recall]
 Turning around to look the other direction from the Eiffel Tower, this is what you see. Nothing particularly awe-inspiring, but nothing bad either. The trees were well maintained, but some of the grass was in need of repair and was getting it - thus it was roped off.
 Plenty of people were out walking their dogs, including this little cutie here. Ahhh, what a wonderful Paris day!!
 Here's another cutie stretching his neck to get a better sniff of something.

 Here's a little piece of trivia that not many people know: the Eiffel Tower was one big Citroen advertisement from 1925 through 1934. I have no idea why the French allowed that to happen to this monument for 9 years, I can find no information on it except that it actually did happen. Seems counter-intuitive to the French reputation for high style.
 And finally, about midway down the park from the Eiffel Tower, there was a wedding photo-op taking place. Several immaculate American Lincoln limousines with over 100 wedding-goers. They probably hated us tourists milling about, taking pictures. Especially me, directly in the background of their photographer - lol.
 It was windy and cold and they did get their pictures - I eventually stopped doing my Richard Nixon imitation in the background. (I didn't really do that, but it would have been funny).
The chauffeur ran to open the door for someone, and soon enough they were on their way.

Walking Required: about a half mile from nearest metro stop

Stairs Required: none unless you go up in the Eiffel Tower

Time Required: about an hour

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