Saturday, May 10, 2008

2008 Travel Trend: Dogs

If the travel trend of the last few years has been increased security, I have noticed an entirely new trend in 2008: dogs!

I have been traveling quite a bit lately (the reason the blog entries have been fewer and farther between the last two months), and I can confirm that many dogs are now taking to the air. On my trip to the east coast this week, I counted FIVE dogs! When I stepped off the plane in Dallas, I saw a chihuahua being walked proudly down the center of the walkway, as if he owned the place. Judging from people's reaction, he did.

A little later at the same airport, there was a second miniature dog being walked in a similar manner. When I arrived at the east coast, I saw this cute little west highland white terrier. He was all eyes as he took in the hub-bub of the airport, not a word out of him.

On the way back, I saw a larger dog in a dog carrier and one more small pocket dog. None of them said a peep - were they sedated? I just hope they were being taken on short trips, as I'm not sure where these fellows would do their business in an airport environment. The other interesting thing is that all five were being tended to by women - have men not caught on to the trend?

Not long ago, we were wine tasting in a winery on the mid-California coast when a couple walked in with a Great Dane who could peer over the bar (and order himself if he so desired). We nudged the gentleman next to us and pointed. He turned back to us, unbuttoned his coat, and revealed a little brown chihuahua in his coat pocket. We couldn't stop laughing, it was so fun! Of course, the wine helped.


  1. Loved the story of the great dane and the chihuahua...

    Enjoyed the post.

  2. I just hate the way my dog sponcho looks at me when I leave her home so I always have a the license plates say dogs are people:-)

  3. J, What a great story... love dogs... we just came home with a new-to-us needed-to-find-a-new-home 7 mo. old pup a few days ago... that makes 4... there noses are almost back in place now...

    But today my older son is moving and needs someone to take care of his little dog for a week or so... so now that makes 5... Boy do we get a big welcome when we go out and come back...

    Nothin' like a dog or 2... or 5 to make you feel wanted!!!

  4. Wow, Sandy, eery timing! I am just now checking in after 3 weeks away! See upcoming post for reason...

    Hi, btw!
