Saturday, May 18, 2024

Stone Brewery

At dinner last night, I wanted to see if my beanie was on right so I took out my cell phone.  Oh what the hell.  Snap a photo.


Monday, May 13, 2024

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day


We took my wife and daughter-in-law out for brunch to celebrate mother's day.   Here's to all you do for your families!

From left - my wife, son David, d-i-l Lucy, grandson Troy, grandson Teo.

In Carslbad.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Hokto Kinoko

Ruby and I pass this on our walk every day.

It is the Hokto Kinoko mushroom growers building.  Hokto Kinoko is a Japanese company and I believe they package locally grown mushrooms in this building.

Avocado trees are visible towards the top of the hills and sunflowers are in the foreground.


Sunday, May 5, 2024

ZZ Top


Ladies and Gentlemen, the fabulous.  Z.  Z.  Top.
We went to Harrah's to see the tres hombres from Texas recently. 
We had great seats and really enjoyed the show!
Two original members - Billy Gibbons on guitar, Frank Beard on drums - were there as well as bassist Elwood Francis who replaced Dusty Hill after his passing in 2021.
The band did a great job - all the hits, not too loud or too quiet, just a really good time.
I would have liked to hear more off of Fandango as it is my favorite ZZ Top album, but oh well.
They had the fuzzy guitars similar to their videos in the 1980s.
They had the cheap sunglasses from the era as well.
I wish they still had the giant stage in the shape of Texas that rotated with a longhorn steer on it like back in the day, but realize that is impractical for touring.
So we got to enjoy an oversized guitar and a double-neck guitar instead. 

My wife took this photo.  Almost looks like Billy Gibbons is looking right at her!
Adios amigos.  See you next time.