Tuesday, November 26, 2019


The boys picked basketball as their after-school activity this year, and we're underway!

Mateo Barker.
 Mateo waiting for his brother's practice session to end.
 Troy Barker in a reflective mood during a break in the practice.
Troy at the end of a great practice session.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Night Before Halloween at Sublime

 We ate at Sublime a few nights before Halloween.   The staff and the customers were dressed for the season!
We especially liked this pre-historic fellow.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Bullet-Proof Car

 When Troy came home from school on Thursday, he handed me this drawing he made of a bullet-proof car.  He's stated that on the drawing and he dated it.
Later than evening,  Elon Musk unveiled Tesla's new Cybertruck, which he billed as bullet-proof, complete with videos showing bullets failing to penetrate the body.

Very strange coincidence indeed!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Disneyland 2019

 It was Troy's pick for the fall amusement park trip, and he picked Disneyland!

Here are Troy and Mateo entering the park.
 Troy and Mateo having breakfast with the characters!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Aerodrome vs Wright Flyer

Interesting footnotes for this video:  Wilbur Wright died of typhoid in May 1912, and therefore could not have been outraged at the 1914 flight.

Interesting that the Smithsonian was interested in putting the first in flight label only on a plane it owned, so it was not willing to declare that for the Wright Flyer until it was donated to the museum in 1948.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Bush In Concert

 Had a chance to see Bush this fall - loved it!
 They had a very slick way of having a bee appear to float in mid-air, all done with lighting I think.
The show was very enjoyable and the crowd was going crazy.
Would certainly see them again if given the chance!
 The show was on a Sunday which made Monday morning pretty tough.
But we can still do that once in a while...
Thanks bush!


 Caught LIVE at Pechanga.

Very nice venue and show!  I knew a lot of the songs and didn't even know who they were before we went!