Thursday, October 31, 2019

Our Lady Peace

 We saw Our Lady Peace the other night.

Great show.

Only downside is that Santa Ana winds were blowing and the dry air was giving the singer trouble with his voice. 
Otherwise, great time!

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Steely Dan

 We were fortunate to get great seats for Steely Dan a few weeks ago.  Just a few rows back from the stage!

 Unfortunately they were very strict about photography during the show, so my wife only snapped two photos before the cell phone police came by and told her to stop.

This photo is on Donald Fagen on the far right with the sunglasses

 Another photo of Don at the keyboards.

As usual, Steely Dan sounded great in concert.  Probably better than we've ever heard them before.

We're still really bummed that Walter Becker passed away.

Since Don does most of the vocals and they use mostly studio musicians anyway, it didn't really impact the live performance that much.

We asked the band for the playlist after the show and they gave it to us!

A fine, fine score I must say.

Searching For A New Smell

I've decided its time to change how I smell.

So I went to the store and bought every Axe scent they had.  Ooo Ooo that smell.

Decisions, decisions.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Ruby Settling In

Within a day or two of her arrival, Ruby had picked her favorite spot in the house - this chair.  It is obvious why she picked it.  It's at the crossroads of the paths from the front door, the back door, and the garage door.  In addition, she can see most of the kitchen's activity from here.

A very strategic spot.

She doesn't have the 'cave' mentality like many dogs...she doesn't want a hidden spot to relax.  She wants to watch everything!
 A lazy afternoon in September with a bone.

Winding down late one evening with Troy.

I think her ears were perked because she wasn't sure what I was up to.

Just taking a photo, Ruby.

Monte Xanic

A very good Sauvignon Blanc we've discovered at Cocina del Charro in Carlsbad.  It's not often we've seen a Sav Blanc from Mexico - this is our new regular wine at CdC.