Thursday, March 10, 2016

John Nemeth

Tom and Lydia invited us to see John Nemeth at a little club in Encinitas a few weeks back - man was that fun!

This band can really play - this is among the best live music I have ever heard.  And I've heard a LOT of live music...

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Model Railroad Museum

 We took Troy and Teo to the Model Railroad Museum in Balboa Park this past weekend.

 A few of the displays at the museum.

 Here comes the train!
 There goes the train!
 Teo saying hi to a conductor.
 Troy watching from afar.
 Enjoying the paper machete countryside!

My beautiful wife.

Balboa Park Natural History Museum

 Last weekend, we took Troy and Teo to the Natural History Museum in Balboa Park.

 Some very nice displays here - we hadn't been to the museum in about 20 years ... it is really impressive now!
 Teo looking downstairs.
 Troy examining the turtle skulls.
 Troy and my wife.
 In the middle of Balboa Park.
 What's this?
We saw an angel!