Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Prepping For The Wedding

All the pieces to the outfit the boys will be wearing in the wedding have arrived and they tried them on for the first time Sunday night.

I'd say the look works extremely well on them!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

2014 California WorldFest Videos

California WorldFest in Grass Valley, California.  July 2014

Matuto (Appalachia / African / Brazilian)

Matuto (Appalachia / African / Brazilian)

Matt Anderson (Blues)

Ozomatli   (Latino / salsa / samba / funk)

Ozomatli  (Latino / salsa / samba / funk)

Ozomatli  (Latino / salsa / samba / funk)

Benyoro (Mallan)

Claire Lynch  (Bluegrass)

Los Lonely Boys (Tex/Mex Rock)

Los Lonely Boys (Tex/Mex Rock)

Arriving in Sacramento

 When we arrived at the Sacramento airport baggage claim, we found a car just like ours in the building!  Well okay, a different color interior and exterior...but just like ours!

And Enterprise handed us a Dodge Charger as a rental!  Very sweet ride...we enjoyed it very much.

Now....On to WorldFest!

Achilles Wheel at 2014 California WorldFest

 Well, we finally made it to WorldFest again this year!  The first band we heard:  Achilles Wheel playing some very fine rock ensembles featuring a wide variety of stringed instruments.  What a great way to start a music festival!
 We sat at the back but had an excellent time.

 My son Ron and my wife...

Mia Dyson at 2014 California WorldFest

 Mia Dyson playing bluesish country rock on the Pine Tree Stage.
 It wasn't my favorite band of the day, but then we didn't have very good seats.  That may have influenced my listening ability.

 Hey!  The singer from Achilles Wheel was in the audience!

Jaffa Road at 2014 California WorldFest

 We heard Jaffa Road's Arabic / Jewish / Indian music indoors at the Welcome Stage, where the air conditioning was a welcome respite to the hot afternoon sun.
 They turned out to be a very enjoyable band...loved their music!
 The sound guy.
Our son Ron in front of the chair, helping prepare for the next band.

Patchy Sanders at 2014 California WorldFest

 I don't know how you would describe Patchy Sanders, but they describe themselves as Celtic / Folk / Appalachian / Medieval / Bluegrass.  Whatever they call it, it was very enjoyable.  They stole the violinist from an Oregon orchestra.
 The two women in this view are sisters.
 At one point, two of the band members acted out one of the songs.

There Is No Mountain at 2014 California WorldFest

 Our son had given us a heads-up that we would really like this band, and he was right!  Here they are getting ready to play their great mix of African, jazz, and "psychedelic swirl".
 The light was playing off the backdrop very nicely at this time of day, and the green polka dot dress really worked with the whole scene.

Crowd had thinned out as they wrapped up...it was getting to be dinner time.

Benyoro at 2014 California WorldFest

 I have no idea what Mallan music is, but that's what Benyoro plays and it sounded mighty fine.  A few shots of people enjoying the summer afternoon with Benyoro.

 About this time of day it can get pretty toasty as this shot emphasizes.

 I also decided the time was ripe to take a few shots of ourselves, to prove we really were there.  Say cheese!

Claire Lynch and Perla Batalla at 2014 California WorldFest

 Claire Lynch played her fantastic bluegrass to start Friday evening off right.  We caught a whiff of her music back here and decided to take a closer look/listen.

 This lady could really sing.
 We have a sample of her singing in the video section above.

 My son Ron and my wife.

 A peek at the campgrounds between the trees.

 Our son Ron.  He manages the light and sound at WorldFest.
Perla Batalla sang her Mexican folk songs as dusk fell.  Between songs she mentioned that she had had dinner with Linda Ronstadt the night before in San Francisco.  Lucky!