Sunday, May 30, 2010

Troy at 7 months: In The Walker

Another monthly update on Troy!

He is rolling around at will now, and will be crawling any day!

Here he is having a grand time in his walker...

Troy at 7 months: Almost Crawling

Here is Troy on the living room floor on May 23rd. You'll see why we say he is days away from crawling.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Padres Game

 The May Gray broke long enough for a gorgeous afternoon of lunch at Dick's Last Resort and the Padres vs the Cardinals at Petco Stadium in downtown San Diego.

 It was Throwback Thursday, so the Padres wore their 1978 colors of mustard yellow and "earth tone" (remember that term?) brown.

 It was fun to watch, even though the Padres ended up losing 8 to 3. Note the large amount of Cardinal Red in the stands.

 We went with a large group of friends....the following photos are those of them I could catch digitally. My apologies to those I missed...